Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Art & Fear, by David Bayles & Ted Orland

The first quote I found interesting was, "What you end up caring about is what you do, not whether the doing came hard or easy." This I find to be very true simply because art should not be about time. Art has no timer that once it hits zero, the piece is finished. I can make a piece that I love in as little as 5 minutes, and as much as 5 months.

Another quote I liked was, "We have met the enemy and the enemy is us." This quote relates very well to me because I am my greatest critic. I am always finding something wrong with my work and having to fix it, and there is a part of me that never wants the piece to be done, and theres another part of me that wants to finish as quick as possible. In many ways, it can be good and it can be bad to be my own enemy. In one way, it pushes me towards me goal, and another way, it pushes me away.

The last quote I took away from was, "For the artist, the dilemma seems obvious: risk rejection by exploring new worlds, or court acceptance by following well-explored paths." This is a question that comes and goes in my mind a lot. I usually make traditional art (i.e. sketches, paintings etc.) but I always wondered what it would be like to explore new worlds. I just never really had the courage to take on that challenge, and I think that I am working on it day by day. Building up the courage is the first part of the process of trying something new.

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