Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Looking at Artist's Studios

List of things I saw in other peoples studios:
  • cleaning tools (i.e. windex)
  • computer
  • magazines
  • fan
  • lights
  • couch
  • garbage can
  • utensils
  • art materials
  • artwork
These are some things that I saw in other peoples studios. Very common items for an artist to have. There are a couple categories of different items that one would have in his/her studio. There are things that are used for art purposes and comfort purposes. Some things that fall into the art category are the couches, fans, and I guess one could say the garbage can (to keep the space clean and COMFORTABLE). And some other items that fall into the art category are artwork, art materials, and utensils. Now, the rest of items can be used for both comfort AND art purposes. For example, computers, lights and magazines. These are things that an artist has to keep in mind when establishing a studio space, and things that I know I will keep in mind.

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