Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Creative Habit, by Twyla Tharp

Scratching is how ideas are born. To scratch is the idea of taking concepts from around you, and making new ideas out of them. Something I have a habbit of is throwing out work when at first I don't like it. I immediatley get rid of it, but from what Ms. Tharp said, anything can spark an idea, and sifting through old work can help. I shouldn't care about what people think of my little doodles, I should keep them and learn from them, and see what I can take out of them. They can evolve into much bigger ideas and be helpful in learning from my mistakes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Inside the Painter’s Studio by Joe Fig

One artist that I was very interested in was Alexis Rockman. I feel that his work really shows how he lives his life and the environment in which he creates it. Through what I understood in his interview, he is a man that is well put together, but also has a childish side. He wakes up early every morning and works through the day, but also works in his pajamas. It shows he is dedicated to his work, but he has his own style and works with what feels comfortable for him. His work is a combination of the way he lives his life. The visual aspect of the pieces show great detail, but the content of what he paints is mostly fantasy life, which is going back to the, not so much childish, rather imaginative side of him.
I also feel that I relate mostly to Alexis. He talks about his early life, and how he never thought he could really do anything with contemporary art until late on in his life. As of now, I would love to work with art in the future, but not exactly sure how it will fit into a job. Also, he talks about the way he works, and how he listens to music and he feels comfortable in the way he works, and I try to do the same.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Looking at Artist's Studios

List of things I saw in other peoples studios:
  • cleaning tools (i.e. windex)
  • computer
  • magazines
  • fan
  • lights
  • couch
  • garbage can
  • utensils
  • art materials
  • artwork
These are some things that I saw in other peoples studios. Very common items for an artist to have. There are a couple categories of different items that one would have in his/her studio. There are things that are used for art purposes and comfort purposes. Some things that fall into the art category are the couches, fans, and I guess one could say the garbage can (to keep the space clean and COMFORTABLE). And some other items that fall into the art category are artwork, art materials, and utensils. Now, the rest of items can be used for both comfort AND art purposes. For example, computers, lights and magazines. These are things that an artist has to keep in mind when establishing a studio space, and things that I know I will keep in mind.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Me...the senior artist.

I have been looking forward to Senior Studio for years. Every year, I have taken a different art class that has taught me a different set of skills. During Senior Studio, I plan on combining my skills to show off what I have learned from the art world. I want to use the aspects of art that I am most comfortable with to base my pieces off, while also incorporating some new techniques that I have not worked with too much. I am very excited about this course.